What is Apex Alpha Mentality?

You probably were expecting to see someone squatting a house or deadlifting the world. That's pretty cool but not as impressive in my opinion as watching Dr Bravo push Nick on the sled. Before the video starts, she recognizes the challenge in front of her and could have said no. Instead she not only accepted the challenge but excelled past what she thought was possible. Her goal was to move the sled and when she hit a wall, she dug deep and found a way.

One's ability to dominate the day is solely dependent on their mindset. If you walk into training with the thought process "This is going to be heavy", guess what? It's going to be heavy. If you are expecting to fail...YOU WILL MOST LIKELY FAIL! Henry Ford said "Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you're right". Apex Alpha Mentality is extreme belief in oneself. It is not arrogance. It is self-efficacy. There is no doubt in your mind what you are capable of achieving. Your ability to test the waters and flirt with failure is what allows you to break down walls and reach new heights. Your drive to succeed should ALWAYS outweigh your fear of failure. That is the Apex Way.

6/4/21: 245lbs Fail

4/19/22: 315lbs Complete

At 14 years old, Ayana has accomplished a lot in her young powerlifting career. Setting multiple state and national records, her biggest growth was more mental than it was physical. A lack of confidence can and will limit your ability to grow due to being under stimulated. Maximum input results in maximum output. If you don't give your all, you have no one to blame but yourself if you don't improve.

"Don't be upset with the results you didn't get with the work you didn't do" ~Inky Johnson~

Easy Day

I first heard the term "Easy Day" while reading Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin. I then noticed that one of my brothers said it often but I never noticed until after reading the book. It has been defined as a common military expression (particularly in the navy) meaning "This will be a piece of cake" (To be clear. I was NOT in the military myself). In reality, what you are about to encounter is going to be a fight but it's time to step up. It is a mantra used to motivate yourself to GET IT DONE!

"The quality of your thinking determines the quality of your life" ~A.R. Bernard~

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